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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Tips to Prevent Pipes Bursting

12/21/2022 (Permalink)

Prevent frozen pipes.

We don’t want you to have to use SERVPRO’s services and fight another battle besides the cold temperatures. SERVPRO recommends the easiest thing to do is to simply increase the temperature inside your home a few degrees. Yes, you are going to pay more on your utility bill, but it is certainly cheaper than a large disaster response on your home. Opening cabinets to allow heat to reach the pipes and leaving a faucet on a small drip, unless you are in a mobile home, can help prevent pipes from bursting and causing water damage.If a home is vacant, it’s also important to make sure the heat isn’t completely off. You should maintain at least a minimum temperature at 55 degrees in a vacant property to prevent any problems. If you ignore these helpful tips or just need SERVPRO’s services, check out our website https://www.SERVPROfriendswoodpearland.com/ Call Kimberly at (281) 520-8197Office (281) 412-6211

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