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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

After the fire...

12/29/2021 (Permalink)

You may feel stressed and confused after such a disaster, and you’ll need a caring expert to guide you through this crisis.

There are several problems that a fire in your home or business leaves behind even after the immediate danger has passed. It is often the case that a thorough cleaning of walls, ceilings, carpeting, woodwork, and flooring will need to be professionally done. There are also several steps that can be taken in order to prevent further damage until SERVPRO of Friendswood/Pearland, Stafford, Missouri City North and Fresno arrives on the scene. The chances of an effective restoration will be boosted by reducing damage by following a few tips:

  • Try to keep movement in the home to a minimum. Soot can become ingrained in the upholstery or carpeting from repeated movement in the home.
  • Use old towels or linens to cover up high traffic carpeted areas and upholstery.
  • If the power is off, empty the refrigerator and freezer of all contents and prop open the door to help prevent unpleasant smells.
  • Be mindful of what you are touching. Your hands can become soiled with soot and that can be transferred to other items in the home.
  • If you can immediately wipe all the soot off sink faucets and metal window molding, then coat with petroleum jelly to prevent the soot from pitting the metal surfaces.

Following just a few of these steps can be a game changer in the restorability of your home and personal items. SERVPRO of Friendswood/Pearland, Stafford, Missouri City North and Fresno is here to help you through a catastrophe that is a fire loss. If you suffer a fire or smoke damage, remember we are your fire restoration experts backed by years of experience and a team of knowledgeable individuals.

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