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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The Importance of Professional Smoke Removal After a Fire

1/25/2021 (Permalink)

Removing Smoke, Odor, and Soot After a Fire.

It may come as a surprise to many that the biggest cause of death and illnesses resulting from a fire is not the fire itself but smoke. Homes and commercial spaces are filled with many different materials, both in the structure and home furnishings. Not all materials burn clean, often releasing hazardous toxins. Some of these chemicals can break into particulate matter: extremely small solid or liquid particles. These particles are easily inhaled or absorbed via skin contact, potentially causing health effects. While most every fire has particular matter and carbon monoxide, there are other chemicals to know and be weary of. 

Burning barrels of trash is not encouraged with highly regarded warnings because of the dyes, pigments, coatings, and other components of everyday trash. Allowing these chemicals to be released into the air and environment around you is extremely harmful. This holds true to the burning of non-trash household items as well. For instance, treated wood that is burned can release arsenic, copper, or creosote. The chemicals found in treated wood are used to preserve the wood from everyday wear; they are not meant to be burned, therefore considered as possible carcinogens. Another commonly found material is plastic. Burned plastic can release hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, and other heavy metals. Inhaling any of these compounds can potentially cause damage to the immune and respiratory system.

SERVPRO of Friendswood/Pearland, Stafford, Missouri City North and Fresno has dealt with many residential and commercial fires, providing cleaning and restoration in a safe, professional manner. Our technicians have the proper equipment and safety gear to avoid the effects of lingering toxins.

If your home is in need of soot, smoke, or odor removal, call the professionals at SERVPRO, (281) 412-6211.

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