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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Does Your Business Need a FRESH Start for the Summer?

6/18/2019 (Permalink)

When it comes to getting the workspace spotless while staying in business count on SERVPRO to get the job done right while working with YOUR schedule!

Miss out on Spring Cleaning this year? SERVPRO® of  Friendswood/Pearland, Stafford, Missouri City North and Fresno offers Commercial Cleaning Services for those who have more important tasks at hand than your everyday grime and foot traffic of the workspace. 

We service all business types:

  • Retail Facilities
  • Education Facilities
  • Property Management
  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Hospitality Facilities
  • Food Service Facilities
  • Office Facilities

When the dirt, grime, and odor challenges your regular cleaning staff, call on SERVPRO®!  Our trained technicians can take care of anything from removing dirt and dust in your air ducts to freshening heavy-trafficked carpet areas and other weathered upholsteries.  

Whether it’s removing an odor or deep cleaning floors, SERVPRO® offers an array of cleaning services to keep your business in tip-top shape for any customer who visits! We even offer services to rid your building of any unfortunate vandalism.

For more details about our Commercial Cleaning Services, see the list below:

We have the specialized training and products to get your business back to pristine conditions. Best of all, SERVPRO® operates discretely as we understand that seeing a restoration vehicle in the front of your place of business may cause customers to raise an eyebrow. With our highly trained technicians available 24/7, SERVPRO makes it a personal standard to work with your schedule so that you can operate business as usual.

For more information on our Commercial Cleaning Services, check out the information page on our website:https://www.SERVPROfriendswoodpearland.com/commercial-restoration-cleaning

Or call and chat with a member of our friendly office staff for a quote on cleaning your building: 281-412-6211.

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