Is Houston A Flood Zone?
3/14/2018 (Permalink)

After Hurricane Harvey, thousands of people were sent into a financial panic. Most people did not have flood insurance because their house was not located in what is considered a flood zone. Thanks to FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, many of these families were able to begin the recovery process. But what now? What does this once every hundred years storm mean for your insurance? You will be surprised.
New Flood Zones
Did the Harvey floodwaters cause over $5,000 in damage to your home? If they did, congratulations, you are now in what is considered to be a flood zone. Even if you have never flooded before this one event was all the insurance companies needed to raise their rates for flood insurance in your area. While it is possible and likely Houston will never experience another Harvey, we can not predict how the rivers and flood zones will change. Hence, causing the caution for all the rise in insurance.
Do You Need Flood Insurance?
There is no easy answer to that question. If you are in a flood zone, many communities will require you to have it. Here at SERVPRO of Friendswood/Pearland, we say "You can never have too much insurance. Better safe than sorry." Our recommendation is if you are along the coast or in a flood zone including those formulated after Harvey, purchase flood insurance. If you are outside of a flood zone speak with your agent to calculate the risk and consider putting together an emergency storm fund. If you do deny to purchase flood insurance your agent will need to receive it in writing. Ultimately, the decision is yours.
Either way, SERVPRO of Friendswood/Pearland will be ready to take care of you when the next storm hits; And if you do have insurance we are on their vendor list. All you have to do is request us and we will come to take care of you. Experienced a catastrophic weather event? Call us at 281-412-6211.